Deathbed Life

Do you have gigantic plans for your life? More specifically 2011? I know I do. Everyone has plans. Everyone has things they want to accomplish in life, goals, aspirations, dreams. And I think everyone should have dreams, and big dreams at that! I have dreams to someday take part in teaching and raising up other worship leaders or writing worship tunes with the likes of Matt Redman or Chris Tomlin. A dream of mine that might be a bit more in reach would be to create my first album. It’s still a huge goal though and requires tons of work and planning.

And although I know little about “time-management”, I wanted to encourage you to conquer time this upcoming year. What’s a goal you have? Write it down, figure out what needs to happen in order to reach it. Then, whenever you have a free moment, instead of checking Facebook or watching tv, work on moving towards that goal.

For me, I want 2011 to be my “album year”. I want to make my album happen next year, whatever it takes. And if it doesn’t get completed by the end of 2011, no biggie. Just as long as I worked hard towards that goal and didn’t slack off, that’s what matters. Just yesterday I was sketching together what songs would be on the album, what the line-up would be, tempos, keys, arrangements. I’m slowly working towards getting the album through pre-production. I’m hoping by the end of January, that process will be complete.

And yes, time-management and planning and discipline are key ingredients to making things happen, but the most important thing is God. Is God in the picture? Is this what He wants you to do or is this just a self-centered venture? The album has been a long time coming, not because I’ve slacked off, but because I never wanted it to be a me thing. I never wanted it to be me just trying to further myself and my “music career”. But I truly believe God has been pushing me to do it and I feel that it’s the right time. And whatever happens, this album will be for His glory and His kingdom.

Dream big, figure out how to make those dreams happen, but make sure God is at the helm. I believe that if you’re seeking to make the most of your time here on earth for God’s glory, He’ll honor that and make sure you fulfill His purpose and plan for your life. That’s living a deathbed life. A life that, at the end of it, you know you lived out fully for God’s glory.

Below is the latest teaching from Levi Lusko, pastor of Fresh Life Church and Skull Church. This teaching drives the nail into the coffin as far as spending your time is concerned. Watch it, glean, and then start doing!

Oh and watch out for future updates on my album, right here on LearningToLead!


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