Aftermath Album

I’m not a music critic or anything, I’m far from it. But I felt compelled to promote this amazing piece of music on my blog. I’m also not someone that tells everyone to buy every new Christian album that comes out, so here it comes… Get this one!

I’m a huge fan of Hillsong, a huge fan of Joel, Reuben, JD, Jad, Matt, the whole team. They’re amazing song writers and I think this album is a whole new level. True, it’s somewhat mellower, but they did it so well. You can’t help but just stop whatever you’re doing and listen to some of those chord progressions and melodies.

We’ll be doing approximately three songs off the album at the next RebelChurch, specifically Search My Heart (which we’ve already been doing), Go and Like An Avalanche. We’ve been practicing the songs and having so much fun with them. You’d have to not be trying to make these songs sound bad.

Again, big shout out to the united team, this album is the best yet!


Striving for Excellence


How To Be a Faker