A New Season

We could’ve never seen this coming. My wife, Chrissy, and I thought we would be living in Florida forever. But that’s often times how God works, right? Unexpectedly. In August of 2008, Chrissy and I were just eight months married. We were green. We were still in the blissful “honeymoon phase” when a pastor friend of mine connected me with a pastor down in Miami looking for a worship leader. I was currently graphic designing at a PR firm in California and craving something different. I badly wanted to be a worship leader and here comes God with an incredible opportunity to do just that.

It was a dream come true. We fell in love with the church, the people and the latin culture (especially the food!). The most humbling thing was that this church took a chance on a 21-year-old, little kid version of Nate and allowed me to pastor the church in the form of worship leading. What an incredible journey it was. What we learned about ourselves, the church and God is invaluable. The events and creative endeavors I got to be a part of was mind-blowing. The staff I was on was a dream team. The worship team I led was the best of the best. And yet, God has led us into a new season.

Fast forward ten unforgettable years and three amazing children later and we find ourselves back in the beautiful land of Southern California. We’re very excited to be back and we’re looking forward to what God has for us in the future. We don’t know what to expect, but what we do know is that this process, this transition has been bathed in so much prayer and we know without a doubt that God has led us here. Just like He had us in Miami for a purpose, the same is true about our time now in California.

That leads me to my encouragement to you. If God is stirring something in your heart, don’t be scared to take that first step. Don’t get caught up with what people will think of you. Don’t worry about the things that God can so obviously take care of. You’ll find Him on the other side of your faith. Step out of the boat!

On a side note, I’m excited to be posting to my blog again. It’s been a while! My desire is to get more content out there with the hopes of helping other worship leaders however I can. I’ve been doing this now for fifteen years and although you can never stop learning, it’s never too early to start investing into those who are coming up behind you.

See you back here again soon!

Photo by Sasha • Stories on Unsplash


Blog Series: Building Strong Worship Leaders


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