Leadership Articles

Three Great Articles I Think You Should Read

I wanted to share the top three articles I’ve recently read that have impacted my perspective and way of thinking. This isn’t to say that I fully endorse every word these people say, it’s just the articles themselves that have helped me think of certain things differently. One is about worship and music, one is about leadership, and one is about family — three of the biggest aspects of my life. Take a look, see which one(s) apply to your life, and enjoy!

What Does the Visual Layout of Our Worship Service Say?

I’ve always heard the idea tossed around about worship bands leading behind the congregation or hiding the band behind a curtain. But it was pretty much always in a joking context. This guy takes it to another level. He poses some very challenging and thought provoking questions as it relates to the role of the worship leader, where the focus of the congregation should be, and the use of media in church services such as projectors and lights. Great stuff.

Knowing the difference between players and pretenders

This article is for leaders (which all of us are in one context or another). John Maxwell lays out eight differences between players and pretenders. Amazing insights for anyone overseeing employees or volunteers at a church.

Side note for worship leaders: In a lot of ways, you are the gateway between a potential volunteer/band member and them being in the worship ministry at your church. Take this seriously and make sure you’re not just putting anyone on stage. Use discernment. You could be adding a great asset to the team or you could be protecting your team from a wolf.

How to Miss a Childhood

I think everyone would agree that in order to do great work, your family must be in order. There’s been a few times in which things weren’t right at home and my ministry at church suffered because of it. My success in ministry depends quite a lot on things being in harmony at home. This article addresses a serious and relevant topic concerning parents of today. Is checking Facebook worth missing out on seeing your child take their first step? Something to think about for sure. This article has encouraged me to think again when I grab my iPhone during family time. Oh, and kudos to my wife for showing me this one!


Leadership, Greatness & the Future


People, People, People