RebelChurch Recap

This is a video I made on my iPhone of the last RebelChurch event. It’s just a collage of various footage I took. I edited the footage on the iMovie app, which I’m having a blast with. As you can see from the beginning of the video, there was a torrent of people rushing into this place as the doors opened. You can’t really see it in the video, but the line just keeps going and going. We only had room for a little over 700 people. We had to be strict due to fire codes and all that. I hope no one got turned away, and if you did, all I can say is try to get there earlier next time! Shout out to the University of Miami for letting us use their fieldhouse facility, it was a huge blessing. And speaking of, what better place to have RebelChurch than at a stinkin’ university?! Amazing!

The event was electric. Brenton Brown did a fantastic job. I had the splendid honor of hosting Brenton and his band for the entire weekend. I’m pretty sure it’s the host’s job to entertain the guest, but it was pretty much the complete opposite in this situation. Those guys are the coolest, funniest guys to be with, they’re a complete riot. Plus, they’re totally real, honest, and in love with Jesus. Hopefully, some of their expertise rubbed off on me. They’re nothing but professionals live, I learned a lot watching them practice and play. Thanks for coming out guys! You’re nothing but chirpy! (Chirpy is South African slang)

As for the RebelBand, we did Freedom Is Here as a new song. Here’s our set list…

Freedom Is Here
Hallelujah Song (one of mine)
Our God
With Everything

Freedom Is Here is as appropriate as it gets for RebelChurch. Very fun song to play. We played it in the same key as the album, same format, same power thumping drum beat at the end.

The next Rebel event is right around the corner! The RebelBand will be playing a handful of revamped Christmas tunes. You won’t wanna miss it!

Be sure to catch Brenton’s new record, coming out Spring 2011. He told me the rest of the world gets it at the end of this month, bummer for the states!


Loving Zombies


Song Story: Good To Me